
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Make more than thousands of folder Using notepad

Now here is a simple trick for Windows 7 user for creating thousands of folder at a time . This trick will amaze you and also look like virus. But it is a very small concept works perfectly in Windows 7.
Here are some few steps to perform

Step 1: Open Notepad from Start menu and write the following commands.
@echo off
md %random%

goto top

Step 2: Save file as folder.bat or whatever you want but extension should be .bat .

Now, If you will open that file in any folder, it will be rained by more than thousand of folders. It will not cause any harm to your computer, if you want you can try this.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Create a password lock folder without using any software

Now a days, there are various types of software are available to lock folders and they are expensive or freeware and also uses computer memory and makes your system slow. So, here is new trick for you to create a folder just by double clicking on a file. This file contain some simple command that create a folder for you which is controlled by that file means you can lock and unlock it by clicking on the file.
         For locking it you will not ask any password but for unlocking it you will need the require password.
So, here are simple steps to create that file as follows :
Step 1: Open notepad from start menu or by typing notepad in run as. Just copy and paste below command in notepad .

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== 
tipsntrickspc goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

Step 2: Save this file as with any name like lock.bat or password.bat 
Note: .bat extension is required for the folder name.
Step 3: Now when you double click on your file, it will create a folder with name "My Folder". Now move your data into it and now just open that file again and type "yes". 
Congo.. Now your folder is LOCKED .

NOTE: For unlocking the folder just open that file and type the password "tipsntrickspc" and press Enter .Now your folder is fully unlocked. You can also change this password by simply editing the the above code and save it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Create a con folder using CMD (Command Prompt)

When you try to create a new folder and try to rename it to any one of the above specified names, you know what happens! In Windows XP the folder name automatically changes back to “New Folder” where as in case of Windows Vista and Windows 7, when you try to rename the file you get an error message saying “The specified device name is invalid”.
The reason behind this is name like con is reserved by the system so you can’t create it. But I will tell you the trick to create the folder name as con which is unrenamable and undeletable.
Now I’ll tell you the trick in some step using CMD 
Step 1: Open command Prompt form Start Menu.
Step 2: Switch to the drive where you need to create the folder by typing c: , d: , e: here c ,d ,e are the drives where you want to create the folder
Step 3: type md con\ in cmd here md is the syntax of cmd used for made directory.

Congo …you have created a unrenamable and undeletable folder.

Note : You can’t delete this folder normally because it can be deleted by using command prompt.

To Delete this folder just type rd con\ in same directory using command prompt.

Create a Folder NameLess

There are lots of hidden tricks in windows. Basically, you can't create a folder without name but today i'll tell you basic steps to create a folder without name. This trick works on any windows operating system.
Just follow some simple steps :
Step 1: Make a New Folder on desktop. You can also apply it on any folder.
Step 2: Right Click on the folder and select Rename or simply Press F2.
Step 3: Erase the name of folder.
Step 4: Now keep Holding Alt and type 0160.
Step 5: Leave Alt key after that and Press Enter.
Step 6: Done you just created nameless folder.

Congo.... You have just created a nameless folder. Show your new nameless folder to your friends.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cleaning Temporary files form C drive using cmd

Now a days, there are many software are available on-line to delete the temporary files. Temporary files, or foo files (.TMP), are files created to temporarily contain information while a new file is being made. It may be created by computer programs for a variety of purposes; principally when a program cannot allocate enough memory for its tasks, when the program is working on data bigger than the architecture's address space, or as a primitive form of inter-process communication..Cleaning it regularly will make your internet speed smoother and fast.So deleting these files are very easy by using Command Prompt, a single line command can do that. It is a very fast process. Easy to execute the command.
Just follow some normal steps to execute it.
Step 1: Just open run from start menu or by pressing win+R and type cmd into it to open command prompt.
Just type del *.tmp/s
Deleting the temporary files

Now you successfully deleted all the temporary file from your drive..

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hide Drive from My Computer using Disk Management

Hiding Disk from My Computer is now very easy.There are many software available on-line free or on trial basis. But it is very easy to hide drive from My Computer using Disk Management  just follow some easy steps to hide drive. It's all about drive letter.
Steps to hide Drive is as follow.
Step 1: Right click on My Computer and just select manage from the context menu. May be it will ask for run as administrator just click yes. Now Computer Management window will be open for you.

Step 2:  Now select Disk Management from the left panel of the window.

Step 3: Now right click on the Drive you want to hide from others and select change drive letter and pathsThen it will open a small window which show your drive letter.

Step 4: Now just simply click on remove button it will delete your drive letter and now your disk will be hidden from others.
Congo... you hide your drive without using and software
Note: To unhide the drive just simply assign a drive letter to your disk by click on add button .

Fixing Problem of Windows Resume Loader and keyboard stuck

I encountered a fairly annoying problem with my laptop few day ago (On my lenovo G460 due to battery low and hibernation). I left the system running on battery last night, so it automatically hibernated. When I recharged it and powered it back up this evening, the keyboard would not respond on the Windows Resume Loader screen. This posed a problem, as there was no way to get the machine to return to Windows. A quick search yielded a number of other people who have encountered this problem, but not many fixes. Plugging in a PS/2 keyboard was the usual solution given, but as it’s a Laptop, there’s no PS/2 port. I think connecting a USB keyboard might have worked, but when I connected my USB keyboard it doesn't worked
I'm not sure why the keyboard would not respond, or if it will happen again; however there is no easy way around the issue, since Windows ignores the F8 key when hibernation data is present, so I couldn't force it to delete the data. (The menu choice was right there, but couldn't be selected).
Here’s how I fixed it:
  1. Connected my bootable USB pen drive containing Windows 7 into it.(In place of pen drive you can also use Windows 7 CD)
  2. Access the recovery options and bring up Command Prompt.
  3. You need to delete the hibernation data (hiberfil.sys). This is a protected file; however, and it is not easy to delete even at the administrative recovery command prompt. Change to the drive letter for your hard drive. You’ll then need to enter the following commands:
    takeown /f hiberfil.sys
    icacls hiberfil.sys /reset
    attrib -h -s hiberfil.sys
    del hiberfil.sys

    (Those commands are necessary since by default even the administrative user doesn't have access to modify the file).

  4. Reboot the machine.
The system will then boot normally (but without the hibernation data, it’s a cold boot, so you’ll lose anything you had running when the system originally hibernated)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bootable usb pendrive using cmd

Creating a usb pendrive using command prompt is not hard, it is one of the most common ways to create a bootable usb.
      This method does not work if your operating system is windows xp or windows 8 , you cannot select the primary partition in command prompt.
       You just need to follow these simple steps:
  1. First step is to obtain the windows files from somewhere and save them to a folder in your pc. You can rip a windows dvd , or if you have the iso image file you can open it with magic disc or daemon tools or even winrar , and you need to copy the whole content to a folder anywhere in your pc , you just need to make sure you know where it is located.
  2. Make sure your usb stick is inserted, go to start search cmd , right click the  file and select run as administrator. The command prompt will appear, now you need to write the following commands:
  3. diskpart→list disk→select disk 1(chose  the usb device, you will recognize it by its size)→clean(this will erase the usb)→create partition primary→select partition 1→active→format fs=ntfs(this will format the usb drive and will take 10-15 minutes)→Untitled 5
  4. Type “active” and hit “ENTER”. It will make partition as active for booting after restarting the computer. If this is step is missed then computer will not boot from the pen drive
5, Type “exit ” and hit “ENTER” to close the diskpart and close the command prompt window.

Now the pen drive has become bootable. Now all the files from root of Windows operating system setup DVD or ISO has to copy inside the pen drive root.
So open the Windows setup file from DVD or ISO and copy all file by selecting with “Ctrl+A” and paste it inside the pen drive’s root folder as shown in the figureUntitled 7
After complete copy, the pen drive will be a bootable for Windows 7 and Windows 8 OS completely. You just need to“Restart” your computer. “Restart” your computer. When BIOS screen appears then press “F12” key. It will show the options to boot from CD/DVD drivehard disk and pen drive. Just scroll down to pen drive and hit “Enter”. Your system will boot from pen drive. Now you can install windows OS.
That’s it.

Creating a Hosted Network using CMD

Creating a Hosted Network is much difficult now-a-days. There are many software's are available on-line like Connectify but they are costlier and difficult to handle.We can use CMD to create a Hosted Network through commands and start stop it using single line commands and it is much easier and free through which we can share internet and also create server for multi-player gaming.
                There are 3 simple steps for creating a Hosted Network...

Creation of Hosted Network

1. Open Start Menu from taskbar type cmd in search box, right click on it and click on run as administrator

2. Type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<network name> key=<password>
In above command ssid is used to assign network name so in the place of network name you can use any name and also key is the password assign to your hostednetwork .

After execution of the above command you will get a message

Now your Hosted Network is created and assigned successfully.

Note: In future if you want to change the settings you can overwrite it.

Starting a Hosted Network

1. Just run cmd as adminstrator and type the following command
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Congo... you started Hosted Network successfully.

Note : Now for Internet sharing, you can share your current network adapter having internet connectivity to our Hosted Network that is our Virtual WiFi minport adapter name as Wireless Network Connection 2.

Stop a Hosted Network

Just run cmd as administrator as mentioned above and type the following command.
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Now your Hosted Network is stopped successfully.

Comment if any problem..... :-) :-) :-)