
Monday, September 22, 2014

Live Cameras Around The World

This simple technique is called “Google Hacking”. We are just looking for unsecured. cameras around the world and writing a simple string on google hack into them.
 Follow the steps below:
 1) Choose any of these strings to enter on google

 * inurl:”CgiStart?page=”
 * inurl:/view.shtml
 * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS
 * inurl:view/view.shtml
 * inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=
 * inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh
 * inurl:axis-cgi/jpg
 * inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected)
 * inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml
 * inurl:view/index.shtml
* inurl:view/view.shtml
 * liveapplet
 * intitle:”live view” intitle:axis 
* intitle:liveapplet
 * allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera” (disconnected)
 * intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
 * intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
 * intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
 * intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
 * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS” * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206M”
 * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206W”
 * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210?
 * inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
 * inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion” (disconnected)
 * intitle:start inurl:cgistart
* intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
 * intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
 * intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
 * intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
 * intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1?
 * intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1?
 * intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
 * intitle:”netcam live image” (disconnected)
 * intitle:”i-Catcher Console – Web Monitor”

2)Once you have picked one, simply copy it, and paste in on google.

 3)Now choose any result and you will be seeing a live camera.

Remove VIRUS using CMD (Command Prompt)

Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect your computer. These viruses can spread via USB/flash drive or from one computer to other computer by few written codes. There are many antivirus software available to remove viruses from computer. But there are some viruses or suspicious files which can’t be removed by any antivirus software. Some suspicious files such as autorun.inf initiate all the viruses in pc. These files must be removed for safe operation of your pc, because they may lead to data loss, software damages etc. Such viruses and files can be removed by using cmd. In this article we will discuss how to remove a virus using command prompt. Following steps can be used to remove a virus using command prompt from your computer.

Steps to follow :-

Step 1 : Go to start menu and type “cmd” in the search box or Start>all programs>accessories>command prompt.

Step 2 : Open the infected drive such as write , d: to go to D drive.

Step 3 : Now type dir/w/a . It will show all the files of the drive including hidden files.

Step 4 : Locate AUTORUN.INF or any Virus and other suspicious files in the directory.

Step 5 : Type command attrib  -r –a –s –h to remove attributes of corresponding file.

Step 6 : Type del autorun.inf to delete autorun.inf file.

Step 7 : Now type del virus name.exe t delete it, eg : del newfolder.exe .

Now delete VIRUS

Step 8 : When you find an Autorun.inf file or any other unusual .exe file just rename it.

Step 9 : Syntax for rename is (rename filename.extension new name ,  for example: (rename autorun.inf virus) to rename autorun.inf file. Here I have renamed it by “virus”.

Step 10 : Now you can access the defected drive without affecting the virus. 

To delete the renamed file go to the defected drive and select the file you renamed.

  • Type cd recycler command.
  • Again type dir/w/a  to locate all file of the folder.
  • Identify malicious files and delete them using above commands.
Congo.... you successfully deleted the VIRUS

Friday, September 19, 2014

How to Fix the "Bootmgr is missing" Error in Windows with CMD

You may get this error while booting your computer. 

Today i'll tell you easy CMD command trick to repair the problem of "Bootmgr is missing" on system startup while booting. So here is the easy solution for it. There are some simple steps to perform this solution.

Steps to perform :-

Step 1: First of all you need a windows operating system cd or you can use a bootable usb pendrive containing the windows O.S.
Note : Read article How to make a USB Bootable .

Step 2: Boot to the System Recovery Options screen. 

Step 3: Select the Startup Repair option. (See screenshot below)
Step 4: Click on Command Prompt

Step 5: Type c: and press <Enter>. 

Step 6: At the C:\ prompt, type cd boot and press <Enter>. 

Step 7: At the C:\Boot prompt, type the following commands and press Enter after each command. 


bootrec /FixMbr
bootrec /FixBoot
bootrec /RebuildBcd

Step 8: Now close the command prompt, remove the DVD/CD/USB and reboot your computer. 

Congo... you repair the "BootMgr is Missing" problem.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Change Admin Account password using CMD

In case you forget your windows administrator account password, you can change it without using any password reset software.
What we need to do is, rename the file cmd.exe to sethc.exe, which is in C:\windows\system32  and run the command net user administrator * in the command prompt.

How to do this ?
If you are not an admin privileged user then it is not easy to rename the files under the directory C:\windows\system32. So we need to boot from other OS to rename the file. You can do this using any linux live  CD or the Windows installation CD. (Note:- please take a backup of the files cmd.exe and sethc.exe to another location. If  you loose those files, you can restore it after the password reset)
Windows 7 installation CD will let you launch a command prompt. Type the following command to create a copy of  sethc.exe
copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\

Type this command to replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe
copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

After renaming the file, boot in to the windows OS and after you see the login screen, press the shift key 5 times. Then you can see the command prompt with admin privilege. (By default this will prompt you the sticky key feature. This is the only feature which can be used before logging into any user account. By default, pressing the shift key 5 times will start the sethc.exe. But in this situation we have renamed the cmd.exe file to sethc.exe so this action must start the command prompt.)
Once you have reached on the command prompt, you can run the command 
net user administrator *
 After run the command it will ask you a new password for the account.
Set the new password for the admin account. (The good thing is, it will not ask you the old password for the confirmation).

If the admin account is not active, you can activate it by running the command net user administrator /active:no

Now, you can login to the administrator account with the new password.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Run this on your own responsibility*/
/*This is a simple program to create a virus in c
It will create Folder in a Folder in a Folder and so on ......

void main(int argc,char* argv[])
{ char buf[512];
int source,target,byt,done;
struct ffblk ffblk;
printf(”\nVirus: Folderbomb 1.0\nProgrammer:BAS Unnikrishnan(\n”);
done = findfirst(”*.*”,&ffblk,0);
while (!done)
{ printf(”\n”);cprintf(” %s “, ffblk.ff_name);printf(”is attacked by “);cprintf(”Folderbomb”);
done = findnext(&ffblk);

Friday, September 12, 2014

Enable/Disable Task Manager in Windows 7

This time I will show you how to enable and disable Task Manager in windows 7. This trick is quite easy and fully efficient . Sometimes due to system crash or any virus disable your Task Manager then you can easily use this trick in windows .There are several ways to solve this problem but I will tell you the easiest way to solve this problem

Some easy steps to solve the problem ..

Step 1 : Just simply click on start button and type Run in the search box, Open run from the search  result. Or you can simply press win+R to open Run dialog box.
Step 2 : Type regedit in the text field and press Enter to open it.

Step 3 : Now Just simply explore the given address

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\System

Step 4 : After exploring that location you can simply check the right pane of the registry and find the “DisableTaskMgr” value and click on it.

Step 5 : Simply change the value of the key form 1 to 0 to enable Task Manager and 0 to 1 to disable Task Manager. Here 0 stands to disable and 1 stands to enable.

Note : You can simply run this command in REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top 10 Hidden Features of Windows 7

Now, today I'll show you some hidden windows 7 tricks that will help you using some extra features in it. These tricks work successfully and tested by me.

It may be hyperbolically named, but Windows 7's God Mode is indeed omnipresent. One of the secrets of Windows 7 that is undocumented by Microsoft is the secret option known as God Mode.

GodMode is simply a hidden control panel that contains everything about Windows 7 configuration options and settings, all located in one place plus additional features that are not easily found in the ordinary Control Panel.

This utility will either enable or disable this functionality. When enabled, it will create a short-cut to the God Mode window on a users desktop. When disabled, this short-cut will obviously be removed.

To turn on God Mode, create a new folder on your desktop--or anywhere you'd like--and name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. Don't include the final period. The resulting folder will contain 270 items, representing virtually every configurable option in Windows 7.

2. Enhanced Calculator
Windows' built-in calculator hasn't really changed much over the years, but Windows 7's calculator has a few extra tricks up its sleeve, which you'll find under the View menu. It can do myriad kinds of unit conversion (temperature, weight, area, and eight others), interesting date calculations, and even has worksheets to calculate a mortgage payment or a car's fuel mileage. It maintains a history of your previous calculations as long as the program is open.

5. Problem Steps Recorder
When you need outside PC help, it's much better to let them see for themselves what's happening on your system. But if remote access isn't an option, the Problem Steps Recorder may be the next best thing. 

Search for and run "psr" from the Start menu. Click Start Record, and the utility will record your activities through a series of screen shots, automatically including captions that show exactly where you clicked. You can also use the Add Comment button to highlight specific areas of the screen and insert custom annotations. When you stop recording, everything will be stitched together and saved as a Web browser-compatible MHTML (MIME HTML) file, conveniently pre-ZIPped and ready for e-mailing to your geek of choice.

8. Wipe Free Disk Space08
It's no secret (or at least, it shouldn't be) that when you delete files or folders in Windows, they're not actually erased—the space they took up is simply marked as "available for use," which allows the files to be recoverable (with the right software) until they're overwritten with new data. 

There is a utility built-into Windows (even XP Pro and Vista) that will overwrite all the free space on a hard drive, insuring any files you've deleted stay dead. Launch a command prompt and type cipher /w:X where X is the letter of the drive or partition you want to wipe. Be patient—the process can take a long time if you have a lot of free space.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Make more than thousands of folder Using notepad

Now here is a simple trick for Windows 7 user for creating thousands of folder at a time . This trick will amaze you and also look like virus. But it is a very small concept works perfectly in Windows 7.
Here are some few steps to perform

Step 1: Open Notepad from Start menu and write the following commands.
@echo off
md %random%

goto top

Step 2: Save file as folder.bat or whatever you want but extension should be .bat .

Now, If you will open that file in any folder, it will be rained by more than thousand of folders. It will not cause any harm to your computer, if you want you can try this.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Create a password lock folder without using any software

Now a days, there are various types of software are available to lock folders and they are expensive or freeware and also uses computer memory and makes your system slow. So, here is new trick for you to create a folder just by double clicking on a file. This file contain some simple command that create a folder for you which is controlled by that file means you can lock and unlock it by clicking on the file.
         For locking it you will not ask any password but for unlocking it you will need the require password.
So, here are simple steps to create that file as follows :
Step 1: Open notepad from start menu or by typing notepad in run as. Just copy and paste below command in notepad .

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== 
tipsntrickspc goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

Step 2: Save this file as with any name like lock.bat or password.bat 
Note: .bat extension is required for the folder name.
Step 3: Now when you double click on your file, it will create a folder with name "My Folder". Now move your data into it and now just open that file again and type "yes". 
Congo.. Now your folder is LOCKED .

NOTE: For unlocking the folder just open that file and type the password "tipsntrickspc" and press Enter .Now your folder is fully unlocked. You can also change this password by simply editing the the above code and save it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Create a con folder using CMD (Command Prompt)

When you try to create a new folder and try to rename it to any one of the above specified names, you know what happens! In Windows XP the folder name automatically changes back to “New Folder” where as in case of Windows Vista and Windows 7, when you try to rename the file you get an error message saying “The specified device name is invalid”.
The reason behind this is name like con is reserved by the system so you can’t create it. But I will tell you the trick to create the folder name as con which is unrenamable and undeletable.
Now I’ll tell you the trick in some step using CMD 
Step 1: Open command Prompt form Start Menu.
Step 2: Switch to the drive where you need to create the folder by typing c: , d: , e: here c ,d ,e are the drives where you want to create the folder
Step 3: type md con\ in cmd here md is the syntax of cmd used for made directory.

Congo …you have created a unrenamable and undeletable folder.

Note : You can’t delete this folder normally because it can be deleted by using command prompt.

To Delete this folder just type rd con\ in same directory using command prompt.

Create a Folder NameLess

There are lots of hidden tricks in windows. Basically, you can't create a folder without name but today i'll tell you basic steps to create a folder without name. This trick works on any windows operating system.
Just follow some simple steps :
Step 1: Make a New Folder on desktop. You can also apply it on any folder.
Step 2: Right Click on the folder and select Rename or simply Press F2.
Step 3: Erase the name of folder.
Step 4: Now keep Holding Alt and type 0160.
Step 5: Leave Alt key after that and Press Enter.
Step 6: Done you just created nameless folder.

Congo.... You have just created a nameless folder. Show your new nameless folder to your friends.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cleaning Temporary files form C drive using cmd

Now a days, there are many software are available on-line to delete the temporary files. Temporary files, or foo files (.TMP), are files created to temporarily contain information while a new file is being made. It may be created by computer programs for a variety of purposes; principally when a program cannot allocate enough memory for its tasks, when the program is working on data bigger than the architecture's address space, or as a primitive form of inter-process communication..Cleaning it regularly will make your internet speed smoother and fast.So deleting these files are very easy by using Command Prompt, a single line command can do that. It is a very fast process. Easy to execute the command.
Just follow some normal steps to execute it.
Step 1: Just open run from start menu or by pressing win+R and type cmd into it to open command prompt.
Just type del *.tmp/s
Deleting the temporary files

Now you successfully deleted all the temporary file from your drive..

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hide Drive from My Computer using Disk Management

Hiding Disk from My Computer is now very easy.There are many software available on-line free or on trial basis. But it is very easy to hide drive from My Computer using Disk Management  just follow some easy steps to hide drive. It's all about drive letter.
Steps to hide Drive is as follow.
Step 1: Right click on My Computer and just select manage from the context menu. May be it will ask for run as administrator just click yes. Now Computer Management window will be open for you.

Step 2:  Now select Disk Management from the left panel of the window.

Step 3: Now right click on the Drive you want to hide from others and select change drive letter and pathsThen it will open a small window which show your drive letter.

Step 4: Now just simply click on remove button it will delete your drive letter and now your disk will be hidden from others.
Congo... you hide your drive without using and software
Note: To unhide the drive just simply assign a drive letter to your disk by click on add button .

Fixing Problem of Windows Resume Loader and keyboard stuck

I encountered a fairly annoying problem with my laptop few day ago (On my lenovo G460 due to battery low and hibernation). I left the system running on battery last night, so it automatically hibernated. When I recharged it and powered it back up this evening, the keyboard would not respond on the Windows Resume Loader screen. This posed a problem, as there was no way to get the machine to return to Windows. A quick search yielded a number of other people who have encountered this problem, but not many fixes. Plugging in a PS/2 keyboard was the usual solution given, but as it’s a Laptop, there’s no PS/2 port. I think connecting a USB keyboard might have worked, but when I connected my USB keyboard it doesn't worked
I'm not sure why the keyboard would not respond, or if it will happen again; however there is no easy way around the issue, since Windows ignores the F8 key when hibernation data is present, so I couldn't force it to delete the data. (The menu choice was right there, but couldn't be selected).
Here’s how I fixed it:
  1. Connected my bootable USB pen drive containing Windows 7 into it.(In place of pen drive you can also use Windows 7 CD)
  2. Access the recovery options and bring up Command Prompt.
  3. You need to delete the hibernation data (hiberfil.sys). This is a protected file; however, and it is not easy to delete even at the administrative recovery command prompt. Change to the drive letter for your hard drive. You’ll then need to enter the following commands:
    takeown /f hiberfil.sys
    icacls hiberfil.sys /reset
    attrib -h -s hiberfil.sys
    del hiberfil.sys

    (Those commands are necessary since by default even the administrative user doesn't have access to modify the file).

  4. Reboot the machine.
The system will then boot normally (but without the hibernation data, it’s a cold boot, so you’ll lose anything you had running when the system originally hibernated)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bootable usb pendrive using cmd

Creating a usb pendrive using command prompt is not hard, it is one of the most common ways to create a bootable usb.
      This method does not work if your operating system is windows xp or windows 8 , you cannot select the primary partition in command prompt.
       You just need to follow these simple steps:
  1. First step is to obtain the windows files from somewhere and save them to a folder in your pc. You can rip a windows dvd , or if you have the iso image file you can open it with magic disc or daemon tools or even winrar , and you need to copy the whole content to a folder anywhere in your pc , you just need to make sure you know where it is located.
  2. Make sure your usb stick is inserted, go to start search cmd , right click the  file and select run as administrator. The command prompt will appear, now you need to write the following commands:
  3. diskpart→list disk→select disk 1(chose  the usb device, you will recognize it by its size)→clean(this will erase the usb)→create partition primary→select partition 1→active→format fs=ntfs(this will format the usb drive and will take 10-15 minutes)→Untitled 5
  4. Type “active” and hit “ENTER”. It will make partition as active for booting after restarting the computer. If this is step is missed then computer will not boot from the pen drive
5, Type “exit ” and hit “ENTER” to close the diskpart and close the command prompt window.

Now the pen drive has become bootable. Now all the files from root of Windows operating system setup DVD or ISO has to copy inside the pen drive root.
So open the Windows setup file from DVD or ISO and copy all file by selecting with “Ctrl+A” and paste it inside the pen drive’s root folder as shown in the figureUntitled 7
After complete copy, the pen drive will be a bootable for Windows 7 and Windows 8 OS completely. You just need to“Restart” your computer. “Restart” your computer. When BIOS screen appears then press “F12” key. It will show the options to boot from CD/DVD drivehard disk and pen drive. Just scroll down to pen drive and hit “Enter”. Your system will boot from pen drive. Now you can install windows OS.
That’s it.